Email Optin

The #1 challenge I hear from most podcasters is: how do I make money from my listeners?

This is not a great question to ask... we should instead be asking: how can I add more value to my listeners?

You need to find out what you listeners biggest challenge is right now, and then you need to help solve that challenge: in the form of information.

It could be an eBook, video case study, webinar or live event.

Once developed, we then offer this to our podcast listeners with Auto Optin, but also through email submission forms on your podcast website and embeddable player.

From listeners to leads...

Build A Lead Generation Machine

Step 1 - Get to know your listeners
Step 2 - Collect their email address
Step 3 - Help them solve a big challenge

These are the three steps you need to take to turn your podcast into a lean, mean lead generation machine.

bCast enables this by adding a email subscription form onto the player and podcast website.

Integrate With Everything

Once leads are generated... you then need to deliver on your promise.

With Zapier webhooks you can automatically push your leads into your CRM or email service provider.